We are excited to present to you Seeds of law's brand new "Property Container"

Together on a road trip through the new property law


On 17 March 2020, the book 3 "Property" of the new Civil Code was published in the Belgian Official Gazette.

The consequences of this new legislation are significant and far reaching.

Please find below how Victoria organises the Seeds of Law road trip with its  "Property Container" through the new property law.

1. What is this series of articles about?

Property law contains a whole range of aspects such as property and shared ownership, usufruct and bare ownership, easements, ground lease and the right of superficies, but also collateral securities such as special privileges, the pledge, the mortgage and the right of retention.

This is the reason why at Seeds of Law, we have asked Victoria to take you on a road trip with her "Property Container" through some important topics that have been selected to suit your (construction) business.

At each site during this road trip, Victoria will give you the appropriate information which you can pick up from our Property Container.

But before we start, there is no reason to worry.

It is not our intention in these times, after the lockdown and just before the start of the summer holidays, to saddle you with legally complicated texts.

On the contrary, you will get a clear view on the latest developments of property law which you should take into account in your future projects.

Except otherwise provided by law, it is generally acceptable to derogate contractually from the provisions of property law, as most of these provisions are not mandatory.

Therefore, it is important to check prior to entering into an agreement, whether you can derogate from the specific provision of property law, so that you can prevent the relevant provision and/or contract from being declared null and void.

The new property law will enter into force on 1 September 2021.

This might seem a long way off, but time goes by fast. It is therefore important that you already get acquainted with the impact of these new provisions on you and your company.

You already have the possibility to choose for the application of these new provisions in your authentic deeds, as soon as this new provisions enter into force.

This approach can make a big difference in some cases.

As from tomorrow, you will find more about the latest developments of the new property law during our Seeds of Law road trip.

2. What does our roadmap look like?

During our road trip, Victoria will make a stop with our Property Container at the following "sites":

  1. Property use rights, with a special focus on joint and several liability;

  2. Preventive action towards neighbours, o.a. in case of construction works;

  3. The voluntary shared ownership;

  4. Conversion works in case of forced shared ownership;

  5. Easements and the maintenance obligation;

  6. Easements and the consequences in case of waiver;

  7. Usufruct and its duration;

  8. Usufruct and maintenance works, contribution obligation and accession;

  9. The new rights of superficies with special emphasis on volume construction and comparison with the figure of ground lease agreements.

Be sure to keep an eye on our website and social media to follow this important and interesting road trip and make sure you do not miss a single stop.

Not subscribed to our newsletter yet? Then do not hesitate a second and subscribe now. You will receive regular e-mails with an overview of our most interesting articles that are published on our website regularly.  

Our Seeds of Law Team wishes you a lot of fun and success on this road trip through the new property law.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions or should you require more information (+32 (0)2 747 40 07 or via info@seeds.law).

Read also

Discover our e-book about the new property law

In our e-book "Together on a roadtrip through the new property law" you will discover a number of important topics about the new property law.


Would you like to learn more about this subject?

Contact our experts or telephone +32 (0)2 747 40 07
Koen de Puydt

Koen de Puydt

Ulrike Beuselinck

Ulrike Beuselinck

Partner - Mediator
Sidney Van Ommeslaghe

Sidney Van Ommeslaghe

Senior Counsel
Gloria Inés Delgado Villegas

Gloria Inés Delgado Villegas

Senior Counsel