Administrative Law and Public Procurement Law - Urban Planning and Environment - Litigation and Arbitration
Everything starts with a good file knowledge
Aline Heyrman specialises in administrative law and public procurement law and in urban planning and environmental law.
Starting 2013, Aline has been active as a lawyer at the bar of Ghent, first in the law firm Rika Heijse (2013-2016), where she specialised in administrative and public law in the broad sense, including public procurement law, expropriation, government liability, civil service law and disciplinary law.
Subsequently, Aline was active in Law firm Bienstman-Decloedt (now BDL&T), where she dedicated herself additionally to urban planning and environmental law (2017-2019).
In 2019 Aline joined Seeds of Law, where she devotes herself further to administrative and public law in the broad sense, including urban planning, environmental law and public procurement law.
Master of Laws - specialised in 'National and International Public Law and Environmental Law', UGent (Universiteit Gent), 2011
LL.M. in 'International and European Law', VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), 2012
Prize for 'Best Memorial' in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Belgian Finalist of the National Round and participation to the International Round in in Washington D.C.
Postgraduate International Cooperation North-South, KATHO and HOWEST, 2013, magna cum laude
Legal traineeship at the 'Legal Defense' departement of human rights NGO Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH) in Lima (Peru), 2013
VIVO, "Stedenbouw Brussel: een jaar na de invoegetreding van de nieuwe wetgeving"
VIVO, "Huisvestingscode, conformiteitsattest en leegstandswetgeving in Brussel: het kluwen ontward".
K. DE PUYDT en A. HEYRMAN,"Publieke vastgoedtransacties onder de loep: het hoe, waarom en wanneer van overheidsopdrachten bij het toekennen van zakelijke en persoonlijke rechten", in Jaarboek Overheidsopdrachten2020-2021, EPB Publishers;
A. HEYRMAN, “De "terugkeer" van straffeloosheid in Peru: subjectieve onpartijdigheid van rechters als nieuwe uitdaging voor het transitional justice proces”, TvMR 2014, nr.3, 8-11.
Seeds of Law becomes Andersen in Belgium
Seeds of Law will continue its activities under the name Andersen in Belgium. We are currently working on the rebranding. Our new Andersen website is still under construction. Pending its launch you can still discover our services and newsflashes on our current website. Thank you for your patience and stay tuned for updates.