Compensation for music playing in enterprises

Agreement between employers' organisations and SABAM-SIMIM

Downloads On 3 November 2009, the management companies, SABAM and SIMIM, and the employers' organisations (VBO, Unizo, NSZ, UCM and LVZ), reached an agreement concerning the compensation for music playing within the enterprises.

The headlines of this agreement are :

Small companies with no more than 8 employees (in total 171.000 enterprises) are exempted to pay intellectual property rights for the music in their workspace or in their canteen.

A maximum amount for large enterprises or groups of enterprises will be set (10.000 € for SABAM (copyrights) and 5.000 € for SIMIM (equitable compensation).
The parent company will be able to file one return for the group of companies. The contributions will be limited to maximum  15.000 € for SABAM and 5.000 € for SIMIM.

The starting date for the collection of contributions for music on the workspace and in the canteen is 1 October 2009 instead of 1 July 2009.

The contributions will remain unchanged for at least 4 years.

All enterprises that file their return concerning the use of music in the workspace or in the canteen in time will receive a discount of 30% for a period of 3 years.

As from 1 January 2010, a website, on which return can be made operational and enterprises can file their return of copyrights and the aquitable compensation simultaneously. This website will consist of 3 parts : an informative part, a calculator and a part on which the return can be filed.

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