- Corporate Law and M&A , Finance and Banking
- Mathieu Maniet - Leo Peeters
- financing of terrorism , performers of gambling sector services , National Register of Beneficial Owners , money-laundering
The European Union has bolstered the fight against money-laundering and the financing of terrorism through two instruments.
On the one hand, Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and the Council of the 20
May 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering
or terrorist financing (further referred to as “the Directive”), which repeals Directives
2005/60/EC and 2006/70/EC.
And on the other, Regulation (EU) 2015/847 of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 May
2015 on information accompanying transfers of funds (further referred to as the “Regulation”),
which repeals Regulation 1781/2006/EC.
This Directive is the fourth anti-money laundering Directive. Amongst others, it was inspired by
the recommendations of the international Financial Action Task Force, FATF.
The Member States have until 26 June 2017 to transpose the Directive into their national laws.
In Belgium, the preventative section of the anti-money laundering Regulations is contained in the
anti-money laundering Act of 11 January 1993 “on the prevention of the use of the financial system
for the purposes of money laundering or financing terrorism”, and the repressive section was
incorporated into the Criminal Code.
Certain modifications will therefore have to be made to these texts when transposing the
We have described seven of the numerous benefits of this Directive in detail below.
The traditional scope of anti-money laundering Directives, which targets credit institutions,
financial establishments and a number of natural or legal persons (lawyers, estate agents,
accounting experts, etc.), has obviously been included in the Directive, and has only been slightly
The main modification is that from now on the Directive targets all performers of gambling sector
services, whereas former Directives only related to casinos.
This Directive should also apply to activities of obliged entities which are performed on the
Lastly, Member States shall, in accordance with the risk-based approach, ensure that the scope of
this Directive is extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings,
other than the obliged entities expressly referred to in the scope of the Directive, which engage
in activities which are particularly likely to be used for the purposes of money laundering or
terrorist financing.
The Directive introduces a risk-based approach, which involves the use of evidence-based
decision-making in order to target the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing facing the
Union and those operating within it more effectively.
In order to clarify this concept, the Directive stipulates that the European Surveillance
Authorities (ESAs) must issue guidelines on the characteristics of a risk-based approach to
supervision and the steps to be taken when conducting supervision on a risk-based basis, by 26 June
2017 at the latest.
The Directive aims to identify the beneficial owners, in order to guarantee effective
The beneficial owners are any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls the customer and/or
the natural person(s) on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted.
The Directive obliges the Member States to keep central registers listing adequate, accurate and
up-to-date information relating to the beneficial owners.
Member States are obliged to keep central registers listing adequate, accurate and up-to-date information relating to the beneficial owners
The Member States must ensure that the information on the beneficial owners is accessible in all
cases to the competent authorities and to the Financial Intelligence Units, without restriction,
and also to the obliged entities, within the framework of customer due diligence.
In addition, any person or organisation that can demonstrate a legitimate interest may access this
Exemptions may be provided for all or part of the information on the beneficial ownership on a
case-by-case basis in exceptional circumstances, where such access would expose the beneficial
owner to the risk of fraud, kidnapping, blackmail, violence or intimidation, or where the
beneficial owner is a minor or otherwise incapable.
The Directive clarifies the rules relating to politically exposed persons, namely persons
presenting a greater risk of corruption due to the political positions they hold.
These are, for example, heads of state, ministers, Supreme Court judges and even members of
parliament. The family members of politically exposed persons are also targeted by the measures of
the Directive.
It states that in the event of transactions or business relationships with such persons,
supplementary measures in addition to those arising out of the obligations of vigilance must be
implemented. In particular, the obliged entities must obtain senior management approval for
establishing or continuing business relationships with such persons, take adequate measures to
establish the source of wealth and source of funds that are involved in business relationships or
transactions with such persons and finally conduct enhanced, ongoing monitoring of those business
Where a Member State or an obliged entity identifies areas of lower risk, that Member State may
allow obliged entities to apply simplified customer due diligence measures. Before applying
simplified customer due diligence measures, obliged entities shall ascertain that the business
relationship or the transaction presents a lower degree of risk. In any case, the obliged entities
must continue to monitor the transactions and business relationships of these clients, in order to
be able to re-evaluate the risk, if necessary.
Under the reverse hypothesis, where a raised level of risk is identified, the obliged entities must
apply enhanced customer due diligence measures in order to adequately manage and attenuate these
The Annex of the Directive contains two non-exhaustive lists of factors and types of evidence of
potentially lower risk, and of potentially higher risk. These factors can be linked to clients,
products and services or to geographic areas.
From now on, in line with the revised FATF recommendations, tax crimes relating to direct taxes
and indirect taxes, which are punishable by deprivation of liberty for a minimum period of six
months, are included in the broad definition of ‘criminal activity’ contained in this Directive.
Definitions of tax crimes may differ from one national law to another, which is why the Directive
recommends that Member States authorise the exchange of information and provision of assistance
between the Union’s intelligence units.
The obliged entities must identify the member of the management board who is responsible for the
implementation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this
The obliged entities can be held responsible for breaches of the national provisions transposing
this Directive. Likewise, where legal persons exist, sanctions and measures can be applied to the
members of the management body and to other natural persons who under national law are responsible
for the breach.
The sanctions for violation of anti-money laundering rules are specified in more detail in this
Directive. The administrative sanctions and measures that can be applied include at least the
following: a public statement; an order requiring the natural or legal person to cease the conduct;
withdrawal or suspension of an authorisation; a temporary ban against any person discharging
managerial responsibilities in an obliged entity: maximum administrative pecuniary sanctions of at
least twice the amount of the benefit derived from the breach where that benefit can be determined,
or at least 1,000,000 Euros;
In principle, sanctions are published.
The aim of the Regulation is to improve the traceability of payments and the transfer of
information on the payer and the payee, in order to identify them clearly. The aim, directly
related to that of the Directive, is to prevent and detect money laundering and the financing of
The information targeted by the Regulation is mainly that which makes it possible to precisely
identify the payer and the payee. It is to be kept for a period of five years, which can be
extended in certain circumstances.
The information targeted by the Regulation is mainly that which makes it possible to precisely identify the payer and the payee
The sanctions regime was completed and outlined in more detail. Member States shall lay down the
rules on administrative sanctions and measures applicable to breaches of the provisions of this
Regulation. These sanctions must be consistent with those laid down by the Directive.
The sanctions must at least target
The Regulation will be directly applicable from 26 June 2017.
These two new instruments have the same aim: to prevent and detect money laundering and the
financing of terrorism.
Thanks, inter alia, to the work of FATF, the Directive and the Regulation go further than their
However, it will be necessary to wait for 26 June 2017 for the Regulation to become applicable, and
for all of the Member States to have fully integrated the provisions of the Directive into their
national legislations.