
From November 1, 2024, a lot will change in Brussels rental legislation. You could previously read about this in an earlier post on our website.

Brussels rental legislation - Andersen

Since this legislation is quite drastic for landlords in the Brussels Capital Region, we find it necessary to reiterate a few things.

Did you know that? 

  • you will be required to include in your advertisements the habitable area, reference rent and the amount of the last rent payment;
  • it is no longer permitted to prohibit domestic animals in the rental agreement;
  • short-term rental agreements may only be renewed once more;
  • the rent of successive short-term rental agreements may no longer be increased (except indexation);
  • the rules for counternotice by tenants have been broadened, including for the notice of termination given at the termination date;
  • guarantees from now on must be repaid within two months, with severe penalties for delay;
  • damages for late payments are limited to statutory interest; 
  • only costs explicitly included in the contract may be charged;
  • implied consent of landlord on the assignment of lease now assumed if no response within 30 days...;
  • there is a new version of the explanatory appendix you must attach to each lease.

Prepare for these changes and make sure your contracts and office operations are up to date!

In addition, remember that as of January 1, 2025, you will have to register rental agreements in an electronic registry managed by the Regional Lease Registration Service and no longer in the existing (federal) MyRent platform.

For more information and assistance, you can always contact Andersen's specialists via or +32 (0)2 747 40 07.

Read also

Brussels Housing: Brussels landlords: vigilance required!

Real Estate, Renting and Co-ownership

Would you like to learn more about this subject?

Contact our experts or telephone +32 (0)2 747 40 07
Ulrike Beuselinck

Ulrike Beuselinck

Partner - Mediator
Alain De Jonge

Alain De Jonge
