The extension of the motivated time credit, as provided by the statute "Workable and Flexible
Work" will not apply since this matter has been regulated by a collective labour agreement,
which will be applicable at the latest as from 1 April 2017.
The statute "Workable and Flexible Work" provides for an extension of the motivated time
credit (caring of a child up to the age of 8 years, nursing of a heavily ill family member,
palliative nursing, caring of a handicapped child up to the age of 21 year, nursing of a minor
heavily ill child). However these stipulations apply only if no collective labour agreement is
entered into within the framework of the National Labour Council, providing for a similar
On 20 December 2016 the industrial relations partners signed such a collective labour agreement
within the framework of the National Labour Council (CLA n° 103ter). This collective labour
agreement will be applicable at the latest as from 1 April 2017.
Consequently, the stipulations of the statute "Workable and Flexible Work" do not apply.
The CLA n° 103ter will be commented on in a later stage.