Construction Law

Construction is a complex and risky undertaking, primarily for the client, but also for the architect and building contractor. And, often, the construction process also involves authorities, insurance companies and experts.

Seeds of Law has a specialist team of Construction Law lawyers.

Whether you are a company, an authority or a private individual, we can assist and advise you throughout the entire construction process, or with a dispute involving a construction project.

Which aspects can we help you with?

Agreements for a Construction Project

We can help you draw up tailor-made architect and construction agreements, and, if you wish, we will negotiate them with the architect and the building contractor, on your behalf.

And, we can check through any such agreements presented to you for signing.

Site Monitoring

We can also assist you with periodic monitoring of your site.

What does this entail?

As you are no doubt already aware, there is no such thing as a problem-free construction site.

So, it is very important to monitor problems from the start, and nip them in the bud. We specialise in this.

Together with you, at pre-arranged times, we examine whether the site is progressing in compliance with agreements (in particular, regarding the delivery deadline). And, together with you and your technical expert, we look at and monitor possible construction problems, from the legal point of view. In doing this, we continuously strive to solve, from the start, any disputes that arise, (e.g. with neighbours, invoicing, administrative authorities, etc.).

And, you stay in control at all times. You specify the type of site monitoring that you want, and the periodic intervals at which it is to take place.

Just to be perfectly clear … this site monitoring does not concern the technical aspects of your construction project. You will, of course, have to call upon a technical expert/architect for those.

However, together with your technical expert, we take care to ensure the smooth functioning of the legal aspects of your site.

Check of Social-Law Obligations on the Site

We also provide extra services for …

Do you, as client, wish to avoid getting the blame for your building contractor’s failure to respect its social obligations or site-safety duties?

If so, it is extremely important to perform a check of the building contractor’s obligations on the site.

This is the only way to intervene in a timely manner, prior to an actual inspection by the competent department, and to avoid sanctions for you, and problems or delays for your site.

You can rely on Seeds of Law for these kinds of checks. We are your professional partner throughout the whole construction process.

If you become involved in a dispute …

If specific problems cannot be solved, even with assistance, and proceedings become unavoidable, we are happy to assist you either in court, or with arbitration or alternative dispute resolution.

Whatever the case, our team will pull out all of the stops to protect your interests.

Would you like to learn more about this subject?

Contact our experts or telephone +32 (0)2 747 40 07
Leo Peeters

Leo Peeters

Koen de Puydt

Koen de Puydt

Sidney Lefèvre

Sidney Lefèvre

Ulrike Beuselinck

Ulrike Beuselinck

Partner - Mediator
Sidney Van Ommeslaghe

Sidney Van Ommeslaghe

Senior Counsel
Tracy Enta

Tracy Enta

Louis de Meulemeester

Louis de Meulemeester

Lucas Vincken

Lucas Vincken

Camille Koch

Camille Koch
