
The Flemish government  has announced that as from January 2024 there will be one "Kotlabel" for all Flemish student rooms.

In this way, the Flemish government wishes to combat the proliferation of "Kotlabels" and make it possible to compare student rooms all over Flanders.

Flemish "kotlabel" - Seeds of Law

Existing labels that are imposed by individual institutions, such as certain universities, will  have to be viewed and assessed taking into account the Flemish (single) "Kotlabel" as from 2024.

As from 2024, it will be possible to apply for a "Kotlabel", that, once granted, can be visibly displayed on the buildings. However, it remains completely optional whether or not to apply for a Flemish "Kotlabel". This label is not compulsory.

As of today, there is no final text that sets out conditions a student flat must meet to receive the "Kotlabel".  

In any case, housing quality, fire safety and urban planning permission will be the three main parameters that will be part of the set of conditions for the award of the "Kotlabel".

Housing quality concerns, for example, an individual washbasin with running hot water in the room, sufficient communal facilities such as a shower, bath, toilet, etc.

A novelty is that lessors of student rooms will be subject to a notification requirement. This means that lessors of student rooms or flats must report to the local authorities of their activity, to make more control possible. According to the Flemish government, this reporting obligation is part of their campaign to enhance the quality of the student rooms that are offered.  

The coming months will bring more clarity on the specific conditions  of a "Kotlabel". Seeds of Law will be happy to keep you informed.

If you have any questions or would like more information, we are always available for further explanation. Please contact us via or +32 (0)2 747 40 07.

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Ulrike Beuselinck

Ulrike Beuselinck

Tracy Enta

Tracy Enta
