Tom De Koster

Tom De Koster

Senior Counsel

Tom De Koster

Senior Counsel

Corporate Law - Real Estate - M&A - Commercial and Economic Law

Legal support always at the service of the company: understandable, effective and tailored to the client.

Tom De Koster began his career as an attorney at the Bar in 2013. He joined a Brussels law firm in the same year where he specialized in corporate, M&A, privacy and economic law. He focuses on leading corporate acquisitions, restructurings and advising both public and private clients in complex legal matters, often with an international dimension and with a specific focus on the real estate sector. Tom also has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of private and venture capital investments.

In addition, Tom teaches corporate, economic and tax law at Odisee College of Higher Education. In addition to teaching, he dedicates himself as a talent coach and supports the development of entrepreneurship skills in teachers and students.

Tom is a frequent speaker on corporate law and taxation at various organizations such as the Brussels Bar, the Oudenaarde Bar, the Dendermonde Bar, Tourism Flanders and VIVO. He regularly publishes professional literature on his preferred topics.

Finally, Tom has extensive experience in leading and assisting non-profit organizations, such as Passage, Center for European Literature, and Culture and takes a leading role in the Belgo-Peru Chamber of Commerce.

  • Master of Laws, UGent, 2013, Magna cum laude
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Peru-Belgo Chamber of Commerce (BLCCA)

• DE KOSTER, T., Terrorismedekking van grote risico’s, niet-gepubliceerde masterproef Rechten Ugent, 2012-2013, 135.
• DE KOSTER, T., Crowdfunding vanuit juridisch perspectief: revolutionaire omwenteling of voetnoot in de geschiedenis van bedrijfsfinanciering?, niet-gepubliceerde working paper, 2013-2014, 34.
• DE KOSTER, T., SOENS, P. en WYNANT, L., “Tussenkomst van derden bij de oprichting” in Bestendig Handboek Vennootschap en Aansprakelijkheid, 2016, afl. 15, I.4-1 – I.4-15. 
• DE KOSTER, T., SOENS, P. en WYNANT, L., “Kapitaal en budget” in Bestendig Handboek Vennootschap en Aansprakelijkheid, 2016, afl. 15, II.2-1 – II.2-35.
• DE KOSTER, T., SOENS, P. en WYNANT, L., “Werken van en binnen de vennootschap” in Bestendig Handboek Vennootschap en Aansprakelijkheid, 2016, afl. 15, II.3-3 – II.3-63. 
• DE KOSTER, T., SOENS, P. en WYNANT, L., “Het faillissement” in Bestendig Handboek Vennootschap en Aansprakelijkheid, 2016, afl. 15, IV.3-15 – IV.3-41.
• COPPENS, Y. en DE KOSTER, T., Jouw Logies en je belastingaangifte, Toerisme Vlaanderen, 2019, 32 p. 
• COPPENS, Y. en DE KOSTER, T., Jouw Logies en je belastingaangifte, Toerisme Vlaanderen, 2022, 32 p. 
• DE KOSTER, T., Cursus fiscaal recht, Aalst, Odisee, 2023, 174p. 
• DE KOSTER, T., Cursus sociaal recht, Aalst, Odisee, 2023, 77p.
• COPPENS, Y. en DE KOSTER, T., Jouw Logies en je belastingaangifte, Toerisme Vlaanderen, 2024, 32p. 
• DE KOSTER, T., SOENS, P. en WYNANT, L., “De Notaris” in Bestendig Handboek Vennootschap en Aansprakelijkheid, 2024, I.4. 3-15.