- Administrative Law and Public Procurement
- Leila Mstoian - Pieter Dierckx
- Environmental permit , classified installation , exploitation
The environmental permit has entered into force as from 23 February 2017. It integrates the environmental and the urban development permit.
The Flemish permit landscape has been changing for quite some time. The Flemish government is
making every effort to make the permit granting policy easier by introducing the “Environmental
Permit” which integrates the environmental and the urban development permit and all the permit
obligations that are applicable, without changing the existing rules.
The development of these rules has not been easy (difficult and slow), on the one hand by
introducing a series of implementing and modification decisions and on the other hand numerous
protracted problems regarding the development of the digitalization of the applications.
At last the hour has come that the environmental permit is turned into reality.
The decree on the environmental permit (hereinafter "Environmental Permit Decree") was
approved by the Flemish Parliament on the 23th of April 2014 and entered into force together with
the modification decision of 27 November 2015 on 23th of February 2017. In the meanwhile 12 diverse
legislative documents were introduced which amended the decree.
This means that the projects that were notified before 23 February 2017, have to follow the
previous existing procedure, while the applications as from 23 February 2017 have to comply with
the procedure of the Environmental Permit Decree. Some Flemish municipalities have already
implemented the new procedure but due to the laborious digitalization, we are not art of the woods
It is also important to know that:
You will find the most important elements of the environmental permit below.
Not a single project that is subjected to a permit or a notification may be carried out,
exploited, parcelled out, modified while subjected to permit obligations, without a preceding
notification act or an environmental permit.
The environmental permit also applies as a notification act for the part of the project that is
subjected to a notification obligation.
The Environmental Permit Decree applies to projects that are subjected to:
For projects covered by European regulations, the provisions of the Environmental Decree are
only supplementary, if appropriate.
The intention is that the environmental permit file is lodged digitally.
The municipalities have used the opportunity to request a delay from the Flemish Minister of
Environment regarding the digital treatment of the environmental permit. The date of the delay was
set at 1 June 2017 because protracted software problems obstructed the harmonization of local,
provincial and regional software. However, the delay does not affect the stipulations that entered
into force on 23 February 2017.
Moreover, the Flemish Government has recently decided that the current Environmental Counter (Desk)
is applicable until 1 January 2018.
Flemish Government has recently decided that the current Environmental Counter (Desk) is applicable until 1 January 2018
The Environmental permit applies for an indefinite period of time.
As a result, the cost, which can easily amount to EUR 4,000.00, for compiling and submitting a
permit application, will no longer have to be paid.
The permit holder or exploiter no longer has to take the finiteness of the permit into account when
he wishes to make investments in his company.
The Environmental Permit Decree provides an exhaustive list of the cases in which the permit will
be granted on a temporary basis. Among these cases are:
The decree provides for a transitional arrangement stating that environmental permits granted as from 10 September 2002 for a period of 20 years, are deemed to have been granted for an indefinite period of time.
The Environmental Permit Decree reduces the number of permit granting procedures to two:
The simplified procedure is not applicable on projects for which the application must be filed with the following attachments:
The decree also provides for a notification procedure for projects that are subjected to a
notification obligation.
The appeal is the last administrative instance:
The decisions regarding an environmental permit, taken in last administrative instance, or the formal recording of a notification, can be appealed with the Council for Permit Disputes.
The Environmental Permit Decree implements the coordinated permit for classified establishments
or activities. As a consequence, the applicant of this permit will have one unique permit that
clarifies the present state of its permit situation for the exploitation of the classified
establishment or activity.
An actualisation is needed in case of a transfer of the environmental permit, termination or
extinction of the exploitation, change of the exploitation of the classified establishment or
The Environmental Permit Decree makes an optional prior consultation on the proposed project
between the initiator and the authority concerned possible before the start of the formal permit
granting procedure. This is especially important for the feasibility of the project. The initiator
will be able to adjust the terms and conditions of the permit according to the regulations in
An administrative loop is also implemented. The permit applicant will be allowed to still make
changes to the permit application subject to the agreement of the competent permit granting
authority after the public inquiry or during administrative appeal proceedings. If a new public
inquiry takes place, the decision term will be automatically renewed. In that way the
administrative loop avoids a new application having to be submitted.
In addition, environmental permit granting committees will be set up to give advice on complex and
voluminous projects through respectively the board of the major and aldermen, provincial channels
or the Flemish government.
The introduction of a permanent environmental permit should not result in prejudice to the
protection of man and environment.
As compensation for the abolition of the renewal environmental permit general and specific
evaluations of classified establishments or activities are implemented, in order to verify whether
the environmental conditions after a certain period of time need to be adjusted in order to limit
certain risks and consequences of the exploitation to an acceptable level.
Full or partial suspension or termination of the environmental permit is possible if the general, sectorial or specific environmental conditions are not complied with.
The Environmental Permit Decree will undergo a series of changes and adjustments due to the “Codextrain” (Preliminary draft decree including a variety of provisions regarding spatial planning, environment and surroundings), which was ultimately approved by the Flemish Government on 24 March 2017.
The following modifications are, amongst others, implemented:
The unique environmental permit is a relief for many companies and their associated investments.
By implementing one procedure, one advice and one decision for obtaining a building and
environmental permit, more transparency and simplicity will be created for the parties involved,
and the permit applicant will mainly be offered more legal certainty.
The new system of the environmental permit, nevertheless, causes a major shift in the size and
nature of the tasks of the public authorities concerned at different levels. This means that the
administrative organisation and capacity are a crucial factor for the success of the whole