- Litigation and Arbitration
- Leila Mstoian - Ann Vranken
- Lawyer's deed , legal instrument , countersignment , private deed , reinforcement , probative value
On 3 June 2013, the Law of 29 April 2013, introducing the lawyer's deed, has been published
in the Belgian Official Gazette.
The lawyer’s deed is a private instrument that secures an agreement that has been concluded between
parties, and has been countersigned by a lawyer of each party with a different interest.
purpose of the lawyer’s deed is to provide more legal certainty and predictability in a relatively
flexible and simple way at executing an agreement between parties.
For the parties, this new instrument will result in the following benefits:
For the lawyer, the lawyer’s deed creates an additional role and
responsibility. According to the law, the lawyer declares, by countersigning the deed, that he
fully informed the parties that he assists about the legal consequences of the deed. Therefore,
this phrase must be mentioned in the deed. It also means that the lawyer is completely responsible
for the accuracy of the given information to the parties.
The deed must be drawn up in at least as much original copies, as there are parties and lawyers
with different interests involved.
Each party that intends to contest the authentic character of such deed will have to bring its
matter before the court through a procedure of falseness in civil matters.
After all, it is important to notice that the system of the co-signature is not mandatory, since
the freedom to contract is one of the prominent principles of our contract law. Freedom to contract
means that agreements can be entered under any form: orally, in writing, even by e-mail or in any
other form.
For that reason, we wonder whether the lawyer’s deed will be frequently used as a legal instrument
in our daily practice.