- Corporate Law and M&A , Finance and Banking , Insolvency Law
- Pieter Dierckx - Leo Peeters
- covered bonds , receivables , mobilisation , financing purposes , credit institutions , financial institutions , asset , credits , mortgage loans
The purpose of both laws is to provide financial and credit institutions with more possibilities
to use their assets for their own financing. The portfolios of receivables such as business
credits, consumer credits and mortgage loans are often their largest and most important assets. The
financial crises have highlighted the need to be able to mobilize their assets to the fullest
extent in order to finance themselves in a stable manner. The legal regime, which was into force
until very recently, did not allow making use of this financial technique, although this technique
has already been widely used abroad. By virtue of the aforementioned laws, the playing field has
been levelled.
Article 3 of the Law on Covered Bonds defines the Belgian covered bonds as a debt security, which fulfils the following conditions:
From the abovementioned definition, the following aspects can be highlighted.
Belgian covered bonds are directly issued by credit institution and will in principle be maintained
on the balance sheet until their maturity date. Only Belgian credit institutions, hereto specially
authorized by the NBB can issue Belgian covered bonds. The registration of these credit institution
on a specific list published by the NBB on its website, shall form proof of this consent.
The main feature of the Belgian covered bonds is the special mechanism, which is introduced to
protect the holders of these covered bonds. Covered bonds are similar to conventional bonds, but
their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are covered by assets, such as mortgage loans, which
are isolated from the general estate of the credit institution, and which forms one or more special
estates specifically created for the benefit of the holders of covered bonds. The assets
ring-fenced in a special estate (which does not have any other legal personality), are thus
exclusively allocated to the benefit of the covered bondholders and certain other creditors
involved with the issue of these covered bonds.
The assets (so-called “allocated assets” (“dekkingswaarden” – “actifs de couverture”)) are on the
balance sheet of the issuing credit institution and must belong to one of the following
Furthermore the Law on Covered Bonds provides in quantitative and qualitative requirements with
regard to the composition of the allocated assets and with regard to the requirements for
identification of those assets.
Due to the foregoing, the protection of the holders of the Belgian covered bonds is significantly
increased. In the event of insolvency of the issuing credit institution, the holders of said bonds
will have (i) recourse against the general estate of the credit institution, (ii) as well as
exclusive recourse against its special estate.
Finally, it should be noted that the Law on Covered Bonds also provides for a specific category of
Belgian covered bonds, namely "Belgische pandbrieven" or "Lettres de gage
belges". These are covered bonds, of which the allocated assets meet specific requirements to
enable them to receive a favourable equity weighing (pursuant to Article V.16, §2 of the Regulation
of the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission of 17 October 2006.
In addition to the Law on Covered Bonds, the Law on Mobilization resolves various issues that
made the use for financing purposes (assignment or pledge) of loans held by Belgian credit
institutions difficult or unattractive.
Hereinafter the main aspects are briefly discussed.
The Law on Mobilization aims to facilitate the assignment of loans. In this respect it should be
noted that the assignment by or to a credit institution, financial establishment or securitisation
vehicle of loans on public authorities is no longer subject to stringent rules, as set forth in the
Law of 23 September 1993 on Public Procurement. However, the assignment must still be notified no
later than the time the request for payment is made to the public authority.
In principle, in the event of an assignment of a loan by or to a credit institution, financial
establishment or securitisation vehicle, the debtor may no longer rely on the rules on the
statutory or contractual sett-off of claims or the exception non adimpleti contractus (i) as from
the time the debtor is notified of the assignment, if the conditions for set-off or the exception
non adimpleti contractus are met after the notification date (subject to certain conditions) or
(ii) in the absence of an assignment, if the conditions for set-off or the exception non adimpleti
contractus are met after the date of the insolvency proceedings affecting the assignor (subject to
certain conditions).
The assignment of mortgage loans by or to a credit institution, financial establishment or
securitisation vehicle is no longer subject to the stringent rule that requires the execution of a
notarial deed and the recording against the assignment in the mortgage register, giving rise to a
1% registration duty.
Finally, it should be noted that the agreements regarding ranking and subordination to establish
the ranking of payments of bank receivables, including any arrangement for ranking or subordination
in favour of the special estate that has issued Belgian covered bonds are by virtue of law
enforceable against third parties.